Have you ever tried to sell a product or service to someone? If you found it hard then you know sales is a challenging job.

On the other hand, if you found it easy then I can definitely say sales might be your area.

If you are going to some local markets, you can see people trying to sell their products and there will be high competition within that market itself.

In order to sustain people will have to implement different marketing strategies and gimmicks to increase sales conversion.

Some people are having inborn talents that complement sales such as strong communication skills, Marketing skills, and negotiation skills.

As corporates say sales department mint money for their organizations, and it’s true.

See when we consider all departments in the particular organization like Sales, HR, Marketing, and IT, etc, the sales department is the on department where it drives money into the organization.

The rest of the departments spend money like anything. That’s why if you see in a company, always sales employees are highly respected.

Even if you are having talents that are mandatory for a salesperson, there are some key points that should be closely considered in order to increase sales conversion.

In this blog, we will discuss how to increase sales conversion and key points that one should never miss out on.

Setting up a lead follow up system

Working more closely with the bottom of the funnel audiences.

Working more closely with the bottom of the funnel audiences.

In an organization, it is important that they should keep a system in place. Mostly for sales conversion to happen continuously follow-up and negotiations are to be done.

Setting up a proper automatic follow-up system ensures a high probability of sales.

Follow-up systems could be anything ranging from email automation or CRM automation.

Nowadays many companies have changed to CRM automation follow-up systems but still, there are a lot of companies using the same old excel sheet systems.

So in order to increase sales conversion, an automation system should be kept in a place that indeed brings in differences. 

CRM systems and email automation are cheaply available in markets hence it is cost-effective as well.

There are different types of follow ups strategies implemented by organizations for different people. They are categorized into suspects, prospects, and customers. 

Promise to customer so they take action

highlighting features

Highlighting features

It is really important to make a promise or a guarantee to customers so that it becomes risk-free for them and a sense of trust building with your prospects.

The whole idea of making a promise to customers while they buying your product is that they shouldn’t have any qualms about the purchase.

This guarantee that you are making to your customers should be differentiated from your competitors.

Usually, people ask what is promise in service marketing. Basically, they are a set of tangible guidelines that help customers to understand what they can expect from initial interaction with the brand.

And the frontline experience they will get during their interaction with the company’s product or services.

Highlighting features of your product

Companies should be talking about features of the product or services to their customers.

You should be linking these features in such a way that it solves the problem of your targeted audiences.

It is always important to take this point into consideration while in negotiation with your leads.

In order to increase sales conversion every organization should be highlighting its product features effectively.

Organizations should also show their prospective customers the transformation which will happen post using your product or service.

People are always asked how to highlight product features. The best way is to identify your USP. Basically what makes your product stand out from the competition?

After USP, note out feature sections and rank your features according to their relevancy.

Discuss the pain points that your product will solve and bring in your existing customers’ testimonials.

Building trust with customers is the key 

how to build trust in business

How to build trust in business

People always need that sense of trust before purchasing. And the only way to build that is by building a customer testimonial database so that it can be shown to your prospects.

If you ask how1 to build trust in business , the only proven way is by telling your existing customers to share their experience while they very using a particular product or service.

This is always a guaranteed way because 90% of people read reviews before buying certain products. This will indeed increase social proof of a particular company and its products.

Marketing to sales funnel flow

As a customer flows through his buying journey, there are different funnel stages that the sales and marketing team projects.

People don’t understand Importance of sales funnel. Sales & marketing funnels can be tracked using the latest CRM integration systems.

Capturing the journey of your potential customers will always help you to understand if there is any funnel leakage happening in the flow.

If your marketing funnel is leaking, understand the reasons behind it and work around it. Implementation of offers for people who leak out from the funnel will be having a high chance of a conversion.


These points that we have discussed in this blog are a few simple points but really effective ones that one organization should consider implementing around.

The availability of data today is enabling organizations to take a much more data-biased approach to drive conversion.

By taking a data-driven approach to your conversion rates, you can see that there will be a huge difference in the quality of sales happening.

In the words of Jocco Willink take “extreme ownership”. A salesperson should understand the process flow of his funnel, and calculate all possibilities of closure that would happen.

Track data, analyze it and track your funnel, and create an action plan that is going to enable you to perform better month-on-month basis.

These are some tips we are not saying this is an exhaustive list at yourkpo !!

we have a huge bag of techniques to improve sales conversions.

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